General Terms and Conditions

Service Provider Information:

Bihari és Társai Kft.
Headquarters: 1051 Budapest, Sas u. 9. 3rd em. 5
Company registration number: 01-09-997865
Tax number: 10660447-2-41

General Provisions:

The present “General Terms and Conditions” regulate the use of the services provided by the Bástya Conference and Wellness Hotel.

1.1. Egyedi feltételek

Individual terms do not form part of the present General Terms and Conditions (GTC). If separate, special agreements are made with travel intermediaries or organizers, subject to different terms suited to the particular business, these agreements must expressly refer to the exclusion of the GTC rules. In the absence of such a reference, the provisions of the GTC that do not conflict with the individual agreement shall apply.

2. Contracting Parties

2.1. A szolgáltatás igénybevevője

The services provided by the Service Provider are utilized by the Guest. If the Guest places an order for the services directly with the Service Provider, the Guest will be the contracting party. The Service Provider and the Guest will jointly become contractual parties (hereinafter referred to as: Parties) if the conditions for contract formation are met, meaning that an order is placed and confirmed.

2.2. Harmadik fél általi megrendelés

If the order for services is placed with the Service Provider by a third party (hereinafter referred to as the Intermediary) on behalf of the Guest, the terms of cooperation are regulated by the agreement between the Service Provider and the Intermediary. In this case, the Service Provider is not obliged to verify whether the third party is lawfully representing the Guest.

**3. Method and Conditions for Utilizing the Services**

3.1. Ajánlatkérés

Upon the Guest’s written or verbal (in-person inquiry, phone, email, etc.) request for a quote, the Service Provider will always send a written offer. The Service Provider’s obligation to the offer expires following the sale of available spaces, and bookings are finalized in the order they are received. A price inquiry does not constitute a reservation.

3.2. Előleg

The Service Provider has the right to request a deposit from the Guest for peak periods, for which the Guest will receive a deposit invoice on the day the deposit is received. This makes the reservation guaranteed (in the case of OTA guests, after the full amount of the reservation is received).

3.3. Szerződés létrejötte

The Contract is established solely upon the Guest’s written reservation being confirmed in writing by the Service Provider—subject to the condition of deposit payment, the full payment of the deposit must also be completed. This constitutes a written contract.

3.4. Szóbeli foglalás

verbal reservation, agreement, modification, or its verbal confirmation by the Service Provider does not qualify as a contract, with the exception of walk-in guests.

3.5. Időtartam

The contract for the accommodation service is for a specified duration.

3.6. Korai távozás

If the Guest permanently leaves the room before the specified duration expires for reasons within their control, the Service Provider is entitled to the full compensation specified in the contract for the services. The Service Provider has the right to re-sell the room that has become vacant before the expiration date.

3.7. Érkezés és távozás

Arrival and departure at the Bástya Conference and Wellness Hotel: The hotel room can be occupied from 3:00 PM on the day of arrival and must be vacated by 10:00 AM on the day of departure. Deviations from this (early arrival, late departure) are only possible with prior agreement with the reception and for an additional fee. After occupying the room, guests have the right to report any perceived deficiencies/problems and request alternative accommodation for a maximum of 20 minutes after check-in. After more than 30 minutes, a request for another room can only be fulfilled for a cleaning fee, provided it is feasible.

3.8. Meghosszabbítás

The extension of the accommodation service initiated by the Guest requires the prior consent of the Service Provider.

3.9. Személyazonosság igazolása

The condition for utilizing the accommodation service is that Guests must verify their identity in accordance with legal regulations before occupying the room. No one may stay in the hotel without registration.

3.10. Ágynemű csere

In the hotel rooms, bed linen is changed a minimum of twice a week. Daily changes can be arranged upon special request for an additional fee of 5,000 HUF per change. Please contact the Reception with your request.

4. Extension of Accommodation

4.1. Hosszabbítás hozzájárulása

The extension of the stay initiated by the Guest requires the prior consent of the Service Provider.

4.2. Késedelmes távozás

If the Guest does not vacate their room by 10:00 AM on the day indicated as the departure date during check-in, and the Service Provider has not previously agreed to an extension of the stay, the Service Provider is entitled to charge the room rate for an additional day, at which point the Service Provider’s obligation to provide services also ceases.

5. Prices

5.1. Listaárak

The hotel’s current rates are displayed at the reception and on the accommodation’s website.

5.2. Árváltoztatás

The Service Provider may change the advertised prices without prior notice. If the Guest has made a reservation and the Service Provider has confirmed it in writing, the Service Provider may not change the price for that accommodation. The current rates of the Service Provider can be found on the accommodation’s website.

5.3. Tájékoztatás az árakról

The Guest can always receive information about the prices of services at the hotel reception before the commencement of service provision.

5.4. ÁFA és idegenforgalmi adó

When prices are communicated, they include the VAT stipulated by law but do not include the tourist tax, which must be paid on-site in addition to the listed price. The Service Provider reserves the right to pass on any additional burdens due to changes in applicable tax laws (VAT, tourist tax) to the Contracting Party, with prior notice.

6. Cancellation and Modification Conditions

6.1. Általános feltételek

If the accommodation offer does not specify different conditions, the cancellation and modification policies are as follows:

  • From 14 days before arrival up to the 8th day, the cancellation fee is 60% of the total amount of the reservation.
  • From the 7th day before arrival up to the 4th day, the cancellation fee is 80% of the total amount of the reservation.
  • From the 3rd day before arrival, as well as in the case of no-show or early departure, the cancellation fee is 100% of the reserved room rate.

Cancellations and modifications will only be accepted in writing. Under the same conditions, the Service Provider may also withdraw from its obligations without any consequences! The Service Provider can refund any received deposits, minus a transaction fee of 4,000 HUF or 10 EUR. The Service Provider has 30 days to process the refunds.

6.2. Meg nem érkezés

If the Contracting Party has secured the accommodation services with a deposit and does not arrive on the arrival day (without a written cancellation), the Service Provider will retain the full amount of the paid deposit as a penalty as stipulated in the contract.

6.3. Panasz és távozás

If the Guest arrives at the accommodation, pays the full amount of the accommodation fee, and occupies the room, any unfounded complaint made by the Guest thereafter, as well as the notification of leaving the accommodation, will not entitle the Guest to a refund. The total amount paid for the accommodation will be retained by the accommodation provider.

6.4. Visszautalás díja

A transaction fee will be charged in the case of refunds!

7. Payment Method and Guarantee

7.1. Fizetési módok

The payment for the ordered services can be made on-site in cash, by bank card accepted by the Service Provider, with a SZÉP card, or via bank transfer.

7.2. Átutalás

In the case of bank transfers—unless otherwise agreed with the Service Provider—the Guest is obliged to transfer the payment for the ordered services to the hotel’s bank account before the specified arrival date. The amount must be credited to the account of Bástya Konferencia és Wellness Hotel /Bihari és Társai Kft/ by the day of arrival, without any deductions. Alternatively, the Guest may provide an irrevocable statement issued by their bank confirming that the transfer has been completed.

8. Refusal of Contract Fulfillment and Termination of Service Obligation

8.1. Azonnali felmondás

The Service Provider is entitled to terminate the accommodation service contract with immediate effect or impose a special penalty, thereby denying the provision of services if:

  • The Service Provider may terminate the accommodation service contract with immediate effect or impose a special penalty if the Guest does not use the provided room and facilities for their intended purpose, including but not limited to:
    Preparing food in the room or facility.
    Operating personal electrical devices (e.g., coffee makers, immersion heaters, irons, space heaters, stoves, etc.).
  • The Service Provider may terminate the accommodation service contract with immediate effect or impose a special penalty if the Guest does not vacate their room by 11:00 AM on the day indicated as the departure date during check-in, and the Service Provider has not previously agreed to an extension of the stay.
  • The Service Provider may terminate the accommodation service contract with immediate effect or impose a special penalty if the Guest behaves in a manner that is objectionable, rude, or humiliating towards the security and order of the accommodation, the Service Provider’s employees, or other guests. This includes being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, exhibiting threatening, offensive, uncivil, or otherwise unacceptable behavior.
  • The Service Provider may terminate the accommodation service contract with immediate effect or impose a special penalty if the Guest is suffering from a contagious disease.
  • The Service Provider may terminate the accommodation service contract with immediate effect or impose a special penalty if the Contracting Party fails to fulfill the deposit payment obligation by the deadline specified in the Service Provider’s confirmation. In the case of a non-penalty withdrawal, the Service Provider is obligated to process the refund of the deposit within 30 days from the date of written cancellation.

8.2. Vis maior

If the contract between the parties is not fulfilled due to “force majeure” events (e.g., war, fire, flood, imported infection, adverse weather conditions, shortages of water, gas, or electricity, pipe breaks, or strikes), the contract will automatically terminate.

9. Accommodation Guarantee

9.1. Szolgáltatás biztosítása

If the Service Provider is unable to provide the services specified in the contract due to its own fault (e.g., overbooking, temporary operational issues, etc.), the Service Provider is obligated to arrange alternative accommodation for the Guest without delay.

9.2. Helyettesítő szállás

The Service Provider is obligated to provide the services specified in the contract at the confirmed price for the agreed duration—or until the impediment is resolved—by offering accommodation at another facility of the same category or, if unavailable, a higher category. Any additional costs associated with providing the alternative accommodation will be borne by the Service Provider.

9.3. Kártérítési igény

If the Service Provider fulfills these obligations completely, and the Guest accepts the offered alternative accommodation, the Contracting Party may not pursue any subsequent claims for damages. If the Guest does not accept the alternative accommodation despite it meeting the requirements specified in point 9.2, they may only claim a refund of the already paid accommodation fee and no other claims against the Service Provider may be made.

9.4. Elmaradt szolgáltatások

For accommodation-related services that were not utilized or were missed—unless due to the fault or negligence of the Service Provider (e.g., force majeure, unexpected technical issues)—the Guest is not entitled to any compensation.

10. Guests Rights

10.1. Használati jogok

By entering into the accommodation service contract, the Guest acquires the right to the usual use of the rented premises, as well as the customary use of the facilities offered by the accommodation establishment for Guests, without any special conditions. The Guest is also entitled to standard service during the posted opening hours.

10.2. Megrendelt és visszaigazolt csomagtartalom

The Guest has a legitimate claim to the contents of the package ordered from the Service Provider. Regarding meals, buffet-style dining entitles the Guest to single entry and unlimited consumption, provided that it has been pre-ordered and confirmed. Any food that is packaged and removed from the dining area during meals, beyond the pre-ordered and confirmed meals, will be considered additional consumption. This will automatically be charged to the Guest’s room account as extra consumption, to be settled on the day of departure.

10.3. Panaszkezelés

The Guest may file a complaint regarding the services provided by the Service Provider during their stay at the accommodation. Complaints can be submitted at the Service Provider’s reception or recorded in writing. The Service Provider is obligated to address any complaints submitted in writing (or recorded by them) during this period.

11. Guests Obligations

11.1. Díjfizetés

Payment of the agreed fee must be made by the deadline specified in the confirmation or at the time of utilizing the accommodation services.

11.2. Elektromos készülékek

Before using any electrical devices brought to the accommodation by the Guests that are not considered standard travel necessities, the Guest must obtain the Service Provider’s consent. (See General Terms and Conditions 8.1)

11.3. Kulturált magatartás

The Guest is obligated to exhibit courteous behavior at all times. If, in the opinion of the Service Provider, this expectation is not met, the Service Provider may terminate its accommodation obligations without any compensation.

11.4. Dohányzás

In accordance with the implementation of Act XLII of 1999 on the Protection of Non-Smokers, as of January 1, 2012, the hotel is a non-smoking establishment. Therefore, smoking is prohibited in enclosed areas of the accommodation (including guest rooms), common areas, and on all open areas associated with the accommodation. The hotel has placed signage to remind guests of the legal obligations in the prescribed areas.
Hotel staff are authorized to warn guests and any other individuals on the premises to comply with the law and to cease any unlawful behavior. All guests and individuals present on the hotel property are required to adhere to the law and comply with any warnings.
If any guest or other individual on the premises engages in unlawful behavior that results in fines imposed on the hotel operator by the relevant authorities, the operator reserves the right to pass on the amount of the fine to the offending individual and demand payment.
The Bástya Conference and Wellness Hotel has designated smoking areas, which the receptionist will inform the Guest about. In the event of smoking in the room, the Service Provider is entitled to charge an additional cleaning fee of 50 EUR per occurrence to the Guest. The Guest is responsible for reimbursing any damages or costs arising from violations of fire safety regulations.

11.5. Tűz esetén

In case of fire, please notify the reception immediately. Guests are obligated to leave their rooms and the common areas of the accommodation as quickly as possible in the event of a fire or other alarms, following the instructions provided in the facility.

11.6. Károkozás

Guests who jointly use the rooms and the common facilities or furnishings of the accommodation are jointly and severally liable for any damages caused by improper use.

11.7. Engedélyköteles tevékenységek

For any fireworks, activities that cause extraordinary noise, light, or odors, or any other activities requiring a permit, guests must obtain the accommodation’s prior written consent and secure the necessary permits from the relevant authorities.

11.8. Kár bejelentése

The Guest must immediately report any damage they have suffered to the reception and provide all necessary information to the hotel. This information is required to clarify the circumstances of the incident and, if necessary, to facilitate the recording of a police report or further legal proceedings.

11.9. Kamerarendszer

The Guest explicitly acknowledges that the Service Provider operates a closed-circuit camera system in the common areas of the accommodation (except restrooms) for property protection reasons. The recordings are deleted in accordance with the relevant legal regulations.

11.10. Közös területek használata

The Guest (including visitors to the Guest staying at the accommodation and persons traveling with the Guest) is required to use the hotel building and its immediate surroundings properly and without unnecessarily disturbing other guests or visitors. The Guest may receive visitors only in the common areas of the accommodation. In-room visits are permitted only with the approval of the reception, and in some cases, an additional fee may apply.

11.11. Köntös és távirányító

Upon departure, the Guest is required to return the bathrobes and TV remote control provided in the room to the reception. Failure to do so, or in the case of loss, damage, or destruction of these items, the Service Provider is entitled to charge a compensation fee (Bathrobe: 10,000 HUF, Remote control: 7,500 HUF), which the Guest is obligated to pay upon departure. Bathrobes are strictly for use within the hotel premises. If a bathrobe leaves the hotel premises, an additional cleaning fee of 2,000 HUF per item per occasion will be charged.

11.12. Szemét

Please dispose of trash in the bins provided in the rooms and throughout the complex. It is not permitted to remove or relocate furniture from the rooms or the building.

11.13. Wellness látogatás

The wellness rules apply equally to both hotel residents and external guests. For massages, manual and machine body treatments, couples’ jacuzzi sessions, and other services available for an additional fee, we kindly ask guests to inquire at the reception regarding the details and associated costs. If these services are used without prior consultation or approval, they will be automatically charged to the room bill or guests will be asked to pay on-site for the services.

12. Bringing animals along (Pets)

12.1. Háziállatok

Pets are only allowed in designated rooms at the accommodation.

13. Rights of the Service Provider

13.1. Zálogjog

If the Guest fails to fulfill their obligation to pay for the contractual penalties (paid services) for the services used or ordered in the Agreement but not utilized, the Service Provider is entitled to a lien under the Hungarian Civil Code on the personal belongings of the Guest that were brought to the accommodation, to secure its claims.

13.2. Zálogjog alkalmazása

The rules regarding the lessor’s lien must be appropriately applied to the lien mentioned in section 13.1. The Service Provider may prevent the removal of encumbered assets as long as the lien exists. Individuals may leave the accommodation without any further restrictions.

13.3. Ellenőrzés

The reception service, which provides constant supervision on the premises, is authorized to check the guests and visitors entering and exiting the facility and to verify their identity.

14.The Obligations of the Service Provider

14.1. Szolgáltatások teljesítése

The accommodation and other services ordered under the contract must be provided in accordance with the applicable regulations and service standards.

14.2. Panaszkezelés

Investigation of the Guest’s written complaint and taking the necessary steps to address the issue, with written documentation of those actions.

14.3. Nyugalom biztosítása

For the tranquility of our guests, loud noises are prohibited in the area within the accommodation after 10:00 PM, including disruptive music at high volumes within the rooms.

15.Data Processing Security

In the common areas of the Bástya Conference and Wellness Hotel, continuous audio and video recording is taking place. Guests are informed about this through a notice board at the hotel entrance, which serves to document verbal statements, promises, and requests for later verification, as well as for quality assurance purposes. The recordings are stored for 30 days and may be randomly reviewed or analyzed in justified cases. They may also be submitted to relevant authorities upon request.

15.1. Személyes adatok valódisága

The User is responsible for the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Guest.

15.2. Adatkezelés

Only the data controller’s employees have access to the personal data provided by the User. The data controller will not disclose personal data to third parties other than those specified, unless there is prior and explicit consent from the data subject.

15.3. Data protection

The Service Provider protects the data against unauthorized access, alteration, transmission, disclosure, deletion, or destruction, as well as against accidental destruction and damage.

15.4. Hatósági adatszolgáltatás

The User acknowledges that the Service Provider is obligated by legal authorization to disclose personal data to the requesting authority if the legal conditions are met. The User cannot raise objections against data provision based on laws, administrative, or court orders.

16.The Service Provider’s Liability for Compensation

16.1. Felelősségvállalás

he Service Provider is liable for damages incurred by the staying Guest due to the loss, damage, or destruction of their belongings, provided that these items were placed in a designated area specified by the Service Provider, in a room safe, or handed over to an employee of the Service Provider whom the Guest could reasonably consider authorized to accept such belongings.
This liability is subject to applicable legal limitations and does not extend to items that are not declared or of significant value unless explicitly stated. The Guest is encouraged to take appropriate measures to secure their valuables and is responsible for reporting any incidents related to their belongings as soon as possible.

16.2. Kivétel

The Service Provider’s liability does not extend to damages resulting from events caused by unavoidable circumstances that are beyond the control of the Service Provider, its employees, or Guests, nor does it cover damages caused by the Guest themselves.
This includes, but is not limited to, acts of nature, third-party actions, or any other factors that are not directly attributable to the Service Provider or its staff. Guests are advised to take precautions to safeguard their belongings and ensure their own safety during their stay.

16.3. Kijelölt helyek

The Service Provider may designate certain areas within the complex where Guests are not permitted to enter by placing appropriate signage. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages or injuries incurred by a Guest in such restricted areas. Guests are advised to respect these boundaries for their own safety and well-being.

16.4. Értéktárgyak

The Service Provider is only liable for valuables, securities, and cash if they were expressly accepted for safekeeping or if the acceptance for safekeeping was explicitly refused. Additionally, the Service Provider may be held liable if the loss occurred due to reasons for which they are responsible under general rules. In such cases, the burden of proof lies with the Guest.

16.5. Nem rendeltetésszerű használat

The Service Provider is also not liable for damages arising from improper use of the facilities or services.

16.6. Kár bejelentése

The Guest must report any damage they have suffered immediately at the accommodation and provide all necessary information to the accommodation that is required to clarify the circumstances of the incident, as well as for any police report or investigation.

16.7. Kártérítés mértéke

The amount of compensation is limited to a maximum of fifty times the daily room rate, in accordance with Section 6:369 of the Civil Code.

17. Confidentiality

17.1. Személyes adatok védelme

The Service Provider is obligated to comply with the regulations of the law on the protection of personal data and the public accessibility of public interest data during the performance of the obligations set forth in the Contract.

18. Vis maior

18.1. Vis maior körülmények

Any reason or circumstance (such as war, fire, flood, adverse weather conditions, power failure, pipe burst, strike occurrence) that is beyond the control of a party (force majeure) shall exempt any party from fulfilling their obligations arising from the Contract for as long as this reason or circumstance persists. If such a circumstance occurs, the affected party must immediately notify the other party.**

19. Place of Performance and Applicable Law, Jurisdiction

19.1. Teljesítés helye

Place of Performance: The place of performance is the location where the accommodation hotel is situated.

19.2. Illetékes bíróság

Jurisdiction: All disputes arising from the accommodation contract shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the Miskolc Municipal Court, and in case of jurisdictional matters, the Miskolc Regional Court.

19.3. Alkalmazandó jog

The legal relationship between the Service Provider and the Guest shall be governed by Hungarian laws, particularly the provisions of Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code.

By entering into the accommodation service contract (accepting the confirmation), you acknowledge that you have read and understood the above terms and conditions and agree to their contents. The General Terms and Conditions (GTC) may be modified in the future, and the Service Provider will publish such modifications on the accommodation’s website. The current and valid GTC will also be available at the reception of the accommodation.

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